Deep Tech: Canceling the Apocalypse for Fun and Profit
With three decades of experience as a technology entrepreneur and venture capitalist in the US and globally, Matt is Co-Founder of DCVC and Co-Managing Partner across its family of funds. Matt’s current investments on behalf of the firm span from computational drug discovery and synthetic biology to geospatial and space access platforms, robotics, applied AI, anti-terror systems, and large-scale enterprise platforms including quantum computers.
Many of Matt’s prior investments were in companies that either enjoyed large IPOs or were acquired to become core capabilities of companies like Illumina, Cisco, Google, IBM, Amazon/AWS, VMware, Salesforce, and Akamai. His venture investments prior to DCVC include Zoom (ZM), Fortinet (FTNT), D‑Wave Systems, Uber (UBER), AngelList, Xensource (CTRX), and Facebook (FB). Matt founded and was VP of R&D of Da Vinci Systems, a pioneering email software vendor with over 1 million users world-wide prior to its acquisition.
Matt holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Yale University, and he is an inventor on over 50 granted or in-process patents in areas as diverse as computer systems virtualization, fraud detection, and AR. Matt has spent decades helping to ensure the engines of American innovation are available to national security missions and is known across the federal government for his proactive investment in capabilities needed for the missions of the future. He is an adviser to (and through his firm, frequent co-investor with) In-Q-Tel, a long-time member of and adviser to BENS (Business Executives for National Security) led by General Joseph L. Votel, U.S. Army (Ret.), a founding sponsor of and adviser to the Defense Intelligence Memorial Foundation, a major donor to and Ambassador for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation led by DCVC Operating Partner Major General Clayton M. Hutmacher, U.S. Army (Ret.) and is/has been a frequent pro bono adviser to senior staff of the FBI, CIA, SOCOM, and certain interagency committees on select technology and policy matters.